Android is developed by the Open Handset Alliance which is lead by Google. The early feedback on developing an application for android software was mixed. Create an android app means the process by which new applications for Android operating system are made and are then launched in the android market for the people to download.
Development of an android app is usually done using the Java programming language with the help of Android software development kit. But there are others tools also available in the market that can be used for creating an android app. After its creation, android has been growing and now it has become one of the most favorite platforms having over 3 billion users and counting.
People who are beginners at developing apps, the Hyper Next Android Creator proves to be a very helpful software. Creating an android app now doesn't need the knowledge of Java and Android SDK. It is based on HyperCard that treated software as a stack of cards with only one card visible at a time. HyperNext is an English like language and has plenty features that allows creation of Android applications. Also if you are interested in creating an android app, there are many sites that can help you guide through all the steps. They teach you how to get started with android and tell you everything you need to know about developing for the android platform. It will give you detailed information about applications, development tools and everything else. Most of the android applications can be developed using the same tools that are needed to develop Java. For creating an android app loaded with features can be made using the functions in the core libraries. Thus, creating an android app can be done with ease. All you need to do is search the perfect place for information.
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